This section is used for stream configuration. If you want to create your visualization then this API will help you to connect the camera RTSP / RTMP address to be consumed by our engine.
Analytics Pipeline
Pipeline is a process where we assign specific analytic(s) to a stream.
Detailed Explanations FR
areas: An array of unique blacklist areas per frame, used to remove areas from detection.
name: A string indicating the name of the blacklist area, located within the areas array object.
points: An array object containing the points defining the blacklist area, nested inside the areas array object.
dumping_interval: An integer specifying the minimum time interval for dumping; increasing this value reduces the intensity of dumping.
dumping_confidence_threshold: A float that sets the minimum threshold for dumping a certain identity; increasing the value enhances precision but reduces sensitivity.
fr_primary_threshold: A float for the primary face detection threshold, customizable to the user's needs.
fr_secondary_threshold: A float for the secondary face detection threshold, also customizable.
sampling_time_ms: An integer defining the time interval for passing detected faces from the primary to the secondary face detector; modifying this value affects the intensity in the secondary model.
frontal_only: A boolean indicating whether to pass only frontal faces to the secondary face detector and facial recognition; turning this off may improve sensitivity on non-frontal cameras/views but could reduce accuracy.
matching_iou_threshold: A float determining the minimum value of intersection between primary and secondary detections needed to be considered a true detection; decreasing the IOU (Intersection Over Union) may increase sensitivity.
bbox_filter_active: A boolean that activates or deactivates face filtering based on the bounding box; setting it to True activates the filter.
bbox_filter_threshold: A float that sets the minimum threshold for categorizing an object as an outlier based on a z-score; a z-score greater than 3.0 means the object is detected as an outlier or excluded from detections.
Detailed Explanations for License Plate Recognition
areas: An array of unique blacklist areas per frame, used to remove areas from detection.
name: A string indicating the name of the blacklist area, located within the areas array object.
points: An array object containing the points defining the blacklist area, nested inside the areas array object.
max_group_member: Candidates for correct plates (max).
min_grup_member: Candidates for correct plates (min).
no_input_period_threshold: Time to detect plate (in ms).
plate_cache_lifetime: Time required for the plate to be detected (in ms).
plate_confidence_threshold: Confidence threshold for plate detection.
roi_as_blacklist: TRUE if you have a blacklisted area, FALSE if you don't.
similarity_score_threshold: IoU threshold.
vehicle_confidence_threshold: Confidence threshold for vehicle detection.
For the API below, the body request will be used in People Counting, Vehicle Counting, and Head Counting the only difference is the analytics codification. For People Counting use NFV4-PC, Vehicle Counting use NFV4-VC and Head Counting use NFV4-HC.
This API will delete (permanently) stream connection. If you have analytic assigned from this stream connection, it will automatically delete the analytic.